SOCDS Census Data: Output for Gary city, IN

Place of work data for 1970 are not generally available. For 1980, place of work data are only available for principal cities and suburban places with a 1980 population of 25,000 or more. Also, due to the large number of respondents not reporting Place of Work in the 1980 Census, the 1980 data have been allocated to provide a more accurate comparison with the 1990 and 2000 data.

Total Workers and Workers by Class in Place of Work

Chicago-Naperville-Joliet, IL-IN-WI Metropolitan Statistical Area Central city of:
Gary city, IN
Total Workers 1980 3,567,682 58,519 1,798,252
1990 3,924,779 40,385 2,131,252
2000 4,235,595 37,635 2,423,096
Private Wage
and Salary Workers
1980 2,923,820 48,404 1,488,090
1990 3,258,136 31,722 1,790,674
2000 3,391,455 28,825 1,960,485
1980 121,203 2,011 59,840
1990 115,626 1,398 61,361
2000 99,975 990 55,415
State and Local
1980 361,748 6,969 361,748
1990 356,515 5,999 356,515
2000 398,730 5,630 398,730
Self-Employed 1980 150,488 1,009 150,488
1990 183,361 1,197 183,361
2000 336,225 2,145 336,225
Family Work
1980 10,496 93 6,452
1990 11,141 69 6,865
2000 9,210 40 5,395

Percent of Workers in Place of Work by Class of Worker

Chicago-Naperville-Joliet, IL-IN-WI Metropolitan Statistical Area Central city of:
Gary city, IN
Private Wage
and Salary Workers
1980 82.0 82.7 82.8
1990 83.0 78.5 84.0
2000 80.1 76.6 80.9
1980 3.4 3.4 3.3
1990 2.9 3.5 2.9
2000 2.4 2.6 2.3
State and Local
1980 10.1 11.9 20.1
1990 9.1 14.9 16.7
2000 9.4 15.0 16.5
Self-Employed 1980 4.2 1.7 8.4
1990 4.7 3.0 8.6
2000 7.9 5.7 13.9
Unpaid Family
1980 0.3 0.2 0.4
1990 0.3 0.2 0.3
2000 0.2 0.1 0.2

*Suburb data are defined as the total for the Chicago-Naperville-Joliet, IL-IN-WI Metropolitan Statistical Area less the sum of data for these cities: Arlington Heights village, IL ; Chicago city, IL ; Des Plaines city, IL ; Elgin city, IL ; Evanston city, IL ; Hoffman Estates village, IL ; Joliet city, IL ; Naperville city, IL ; Schaumburg village, IL ; Skokie village, IL ; Gary city, IN ; click a highlighted city to see its Total Workers table.

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