SOCDS Census Data: Output for Philadelphia city, PA


NOTE: Racial and Ethnic Characterizations in the 1970 Census do not match those in the 1980, 1990, and 2000 Censuses. Therefore, Race/Ethnicity data are only reported for 1980,1990, and 2000. For 2000 data, "White, Non-Hispanic" and "Black, Non-Hispanic" include only persons identifying themselves as "White alone" and "Black or African American alone" respectively. "Other Races, Non-Hispanic" includes those identifying themselves as "American Indian and Alaska Native alone", "Asian alone","Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone","some other race alone", or of more than one race.

Population by Race/Ethnicity

Philadelphia, PA - NJ PMSA Central city of:
Philadelphia city, PA
White, Non-Hispanic 1980 3,712,781 963,469 2,726,048
1990 3,715,028 827,703 2,874,022
2000 3,583,090 644,395 2,933,024
Black, Non-Hispanic 1980 885,833 633,485 207,832
1990 927,852 626,782 253,614
2000 1,008,173 646,123 322,297
Other Races, Non-Hispanic 1980 65,595 27,686 37,087
1990 113,451 46,906 65,011
2000 251,062 98,104 149,497
Total Hispanic (All Races) 1980 117,285 63,570 37,407
1990 165,844 84,186 56,459
2000 258,606 128,928 98,659

Race/Ethnicity Groups as Percent of Total Population

Philadelphia, PA - NJ PMSA Central city of:
Philadelphia city, PA
White, Non-Hispanic 1980 77.6 57.1 90.6
1990 75.5 52.2 88.5
2000 70.2 42.5 83.7
Black, Non-Hispanic 1980 18.5 37.5 6.9
1990 18.9 39.5 7.8
2000 19.8 42.6 9.2
Other Races, Non-Hispanic 1980 1.4 1.6 1.2
1990 2.3 3.0 2.0
2000 4.9 6.5 4.3
Total Hispanic (All Races) 1980 2.5 3.8 1.2
1990 3.4 5.3 1.7
2000 5.1 8.5 2.8

Foreign Born Population

Philadelphia, PA - NJ PMSA Central city of:
Philadelphia city, PA
Total Foreign Born 1970 244,289 129,109 110,398
1980 244,087 107,951 133,493
1990 252,505 104,814 144,255
2000 357,421 137,205 213,116
Foreign Born
as Percent
of Total
1970 5.0 6.6 3.9
1980 5.1 6.4 4.4
1990 5.1 6.6 4.4
2000 7.0 9.0 6.1

*Suburb data are defined as the total for the Philadelphia, PA-NJ PMSA less the sum of data for these cities: Camden city, NJ ; Philadelphia city, PA ; click a highlighted city to see its Race/Ethnicity table.

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