Allocation of 1980 Place of Work Data

In the 1980 Journey to Work tabulations, 8,289,642 workers are listed as "Place of Work Not Reported." This is nearly 8.6 percent of all workers in the data set. To improve the comparability of the 1980 Journey to work data with the 1990 and 2000 Census Transportation Planning Package data on jobs by place of work, HUD allocated the 1980 totals for workers not reporting a place of work according to the geographic distribution of workers who did report a place of work. The allocation was performed separately for each variable in the SOCDS tables. For example, if x percent of manufacturing workers living in Chicago reported working in Chicago, then x percent of the manufacturing workers living in Chicago not reporting a place of work were allocated to Chicago as their place of work. Allocations were performed on county place parts for places existing in multiple counties. New England MCDS were assigned allocated place data for those New England MCDs coterminous with their corresponding places.

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